Category: NEWS


Recall of Reflets De France’s Morbier AOP Au Lait Cru Due To Possible Presence Of Shigatoxin-Producing E.coli (SFA)

The European Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed has issued a notification on the recall of Reflets De France’sMorbier AOP au lait cru (raw milk cheese) from France due to possible presence of shigatoxin-producing E.coli (STEC). 2        As the implicated product was imported into Singapore, the Singapore Food Agency has directed the importer, Le Petit Depot […]


Suspension of Cafeela Seafood Restaurant At 254/256 Jalan Kayu (SFA)

Suspension of Cafeela Seafood Restaurant, the Food Shop at 254/256 Jalan Kayu Singapore 799481, under the Points Demerit System The Singapore Food Agency (SFA) will be suspending the licence of Cafeela Seafood Restaurant, the Food Shop at 254/256 Jalan Kayu Singapore 799481. The period of suspension is two weeks from 14/1/2025 to 27/1/2025.  2          The […]


Masakan Shaik Sabri Pte Ltd Fined S$10,000 For Multiple Food Safety Lapses (SFA)

Masakan Shaik Sabri Pte Ltd was fined $10,000 by the Court today for food safety lapses under the Environmental Public Health (Food Hygiene) Regulations. 2 In April 2023, the Ministry of Health (MOH) and Singapore Food Agency (SFA) received reports of gastroenteritis involving 83 individuals after consuming catered food prepared by the SFA-licensed caterer, located […]