Category: GENERAL


Recall of Graindorge Petit Camembert Au Lait Cru Due To Presence Of Shigatoxin-Producing E.coli (SFA)

The European Commission Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed (RASFF) has issued a notification on the recall of Graindorge Petit Camembert Au Lait Cru (raw milk cheese) from France due to the presence of shigatoxin-producing E.coli (STEC). [FOOD ALERT] The European Commission Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed (RASFF) has issued a notification […]


Recall of Eggs From Lay Hong Berhad Layer Farm Jeram (Malaysia) For Presence of Salmonella Enteritidis (SFA)

The Singapore Food Agency (SFA) has detected the presence of Salmonella Enteritidis (SE) in eggs imported from Lay Hong Berhad Layer Farm Jeram in Malaysia. As SE may cause foodborne illness if food is consumed raw or undercooked, SFA has directed the importers to recall the product as a precautionary measure. The recall is ongoing. […]


Recall of Picard Rolled Yule Log Chocolate Tonka Bean Cake Due to Presence of Prohibited Flavouring (SFA)

The Singapore Food Agency (SFA) has directed the importer of Picard Rolled Yule Log Chocolate Tonka Bean Cake to recall all batches of the product, as it contains the prohibited flavouring agent Tonka bean. The product was imported from France by Redmart Limited. The recall is ongoing. 2 Under the Singapore Food Regulations, Tonka bean […]


Voluntary Product Withdrawal of Li Chuan Fish Ball & Cuttlefish Ball From Market (MUIS)

MUIS’ RESPONSE TO THE DISCOVERY OF PORCINE DNA IN MUIS HALAL-CERTIFIED PRODUCTS BY BRUNEI MINISTRY OF RELIGIOUS AFFAIRS 1 On the 25th of January 2021, the Department of Syariah Affairs, Ministry of Religious Affairs (Brunei Darussalam) brought to Muis’ attention the discovery of porcine DNA in two (2) of Li Chuan Food Products Pte Ltd’s products […]