iBread Pte Ltd was fined $7000 by the Court today for hygiene lapses under the Sale of Food (Non-Retail Food Business) Regulations and the Sale of Food Act.

2 On 09 November 2022, Singapore Food Agency (SFA) officers inspected the food processing establishment at 171 Kampong Ampat, #04-14, KA Foodlink, Singapore 368330.
The officers detected massive infestation of live cockroaches throughout the premises and poor segregation of raw and completed products in the same chiller. In addition, several lapses relating to poor hygiene practices of the premises were observed.
The food transportation vehicle was also poorly maintained with chipped interior wooden flooring and dirty clothes were seen hanging from the interior side panel.
3 In the interest of public health, SFA directed iBread Pte Ltd to rectify the lapses and take necessary measures to improve the food safety practices and the cleanliness of its premises.
4 Food safety is a joint responsibility as food can be contaminated anywhere along the food chain. While SFA continues to be vigilant and works to ensure regulatory measures are in place and properly enforced, the industry and consumers must also play their part.
5 All food operators should ensure their premises are clean and well-maintained, and staff are adequately trained on proper food safety management. SFA will take enforcement action against food operators who do not adhere to regulations or comply with food hygiene and food safety requirements. Offenders are liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding $5,000.
Issued by the Singapore Food Agency
26 July 2023