On 10 September 2021, the Singapore Food Agency (SFA) and ISE Foods Holdings Pte Ltd (IFH) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for IFH to develop an egg layer farm, a Day-Old-Chick (DOC) hatchery, a parent stock pullet farm, and a parent stock layer farm in Singapore.
This will be the 4th egg farm in Singapore and will strengthen the resilience of Singapore’s food supply and egg production capability.
We have some egg-citing news!!! Just today, we signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with ISE Foods Holdings (IFH)…
Posted by Singapore Food Agency (SFA) on Friday, September 10, 2021
2. IFH is majority-owned by Mr Hikonobu Ise, Honorary Advisor and Owner of ISE Foods Inc. Japan (ISE). ISE is the top egg producer in Japan and one of the top six largest egg producers in the world. It has 15 farms in Japan and 6 farms in the U.S. and Asia. IFH will invest more than S$100 million in the local facilities, which will adopt state-of-the-art technologies and environmentally-sustainable practices in areas ranging from remote monitoring of animal health, advanced climatic control to odour/waste management.
These facilities are expected to break ground progressively from 2022 and commence operation in phases from 2024 to 2026. When fully operational, the facilities will have the capacity to produce 360 million eggs and 5 million DOCs annually. This can increase the capacity of local egg farms to meet about half of Singapore’s demand for eggs, up from about 28% today.

3. The MOU was signed virtually by Mr Lim Kok Thai, Chief Executive Officer of SFA, and Mr Hikonobu Ise. The signing was witnessed by Ms Grace Fu, Minister for Sustainability and the Environment, and Director of IFH, Mr S Chandra Das. The MOU affirms SFA’s intention to award four farm plots of about 13 ha in total on 30-year leases to IFH at market value.
4. Minister Grace Fu said, “IFH’s planned investment of more than S$100 million for the new state-of-the-art facilities will play a significant role in uplifting Singapore’s MEDIA RELEASE Page 2 of 9 local egg production capabilities. Having ISE anchor their operations in Singapore will not only create good jobs for Singaporeans in the agri-food and sustainability sectors, but also raise the capability and resilience of our local egg industry, thus boosting our local agri-food industry. This will support us in our push towards strengthening Singapore’s overall food security in a productive, climate-resilient and sustainable manner.”

5. Mr Lim said, “We are pleased to collaborate with ISE as this allows Singapore to build up local capabilities and capacity to further our ‘30 by 30’ target. Their investment in areas such as agricultural inputs, advanced farming technologies, and R&D promises exciting future career opportunities, spillovers of know-how that would benefit the broader industry, as well as strengthen Singapore’s overall food resilience.”
6. Mr Hikonobu Ise said, “This landmark collaboration with Singapore is important to us because it is ISE’s first overseas project where we are building up the entire ecosystem locally from agricultural inputs such as feeds and vaccines, DOCs to production of hen-shell eggs.
We are keen for this development in Singapore to be a model sustainable farm-of-the-future that could be exported and replicated elsewhere. Talks are also underway for ISE to deepen our research and development (R&D) partnerships here in areas such as genetic breeding, feed types and recycling of chicken manure.”
Jointly Issued by the Singapore Food Agency and ISE Foods Holdings (Pte Ltd) on 10 September 2021
Read Full Details On The Official Media Release HERE.